All snakes are protected under the Wildlife Protection Act (1972), none can be collected, kept, transported, killed, or exported without relevant permits from the forest department. This wildlife act has several orders of protection under Schedule I, II, and IV.
Snakes listed under Schedule I:
a) Indian Rock Python
b) Reticulated Python
c) Indian Egg Eater
Snakes listed under Schedule II:
a) Indian Rat Snake
b)Olive Keelback
c) Cobras
d) Russell's Viper
e) Checkered Keelback
f) Dog-faced Water Snake
g) King Cobra
Offences under Schedule I and II are punishable by one to six years in jail and a fine.
The rest of the Indian snakes are listed under Schedule IV of the act and offences under this can result in fines up to Rs. 25,000 and /or, imprisonment for up to three years.